Unlock one's CV

In order to check someone's CV, you need pay CONX token. The current price is 1 CONX which could be updated based on community governance. Once paid, you can check and contact him/her at any time.

First, go to 'Talent' tab, scroll to your favorite CV. Click 'Unlock' button.

If it is the first time that you 'Unlock' this talent's CV, you may need two transactions. The first transaction is to approve the contract CONX allowance, and the second transaction is to pay the CONX token. Once you pay the CONX successfully, you can check the details inforamtion.

The first part is off-chain CV just like resume from linkedin. The unique part is On-Chain Credential, by analysis the address activities, showing the address web3 ranking, POAP earned, and various labels, such as Uniswap V3 Liquidity Provider, Curve Trader, Doodles NFT Holder, etc. You get to know a person more comprehensively through this on-chain credential.

Last updated